The main Kernel of Choice OS

THE MAIN KERNEL OF CHOICE OS, the operating system of homo delectus

The dictionary definition of the word kernel is the central and most important part of something, a seed, grain, core, the core of a seed or the central, most essential part of an operating system in this case, its backbone. So, let us examine what the main kernels of our operating system for happiness would be:

Primary kernel: CHOICE

The most obvious, greatest advantage of a fully customizable belief system is the freedom to exercise full choice in every single part of the software. Choice about every single belief that guides our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and reactions. Whether a specific part our belief system was inherited through our families or cultural environment, chosen because of experiences or events or chosen consciously, once it becomes part of the web of beliefs that sustain our reality it is no longer questioned. In an open source architecture, the core belief system, the backbone of the system, the main kernel and the core kernels and instructions within it would be practically identical, same as in a proprietary system such as a mass religion or ideological group of any kind. This would happen naturally because every change in the core system would influence everything in the OS so these core instructions would be challenged first by any user. If they were found to hold a steady platform for the system they would be the norm for the system, same as in a template that obviously works and provides flexibility. If a core instruction within the main kernel provided a problem in some application, the fix would be valuable and adapted by everyone, not because they had to but because they would be grateful for the upgrade, the fix, if it only influenced the core positively. According to the law of diminishing returns, most users would not mess with the core if there were no specific reason.

Each user/believer would have absolute choice to alter any part of their personal belief system including the primary kernel or backbone, but practically nobody would even have any interest in touching it, unless it limited specific choices in customization. In a religion or an ideological group, choices about the direction of the belief system according to circumstances are made by a central authority, and individuals choose to agree or not to a larger or smaller degree. The choice is usually made arbitrarily because there is no measurement to determine the “correctness” of the belief. In an open source platform. A bunch of people have the authority to decide and steer the ideology by deviation, addition, extrapolation or interpretation towards anywhere they choose, free of obligation to even consider let alone explain to the followers why and how these believes improve their lives.

Whose happiness did the Spanish Inquisition serve, whose happiness did holy wars serve and which religious or ideological group ever consider anybody’s happiness in any doctrine? Whose happiness do prohibition of divorce laws serve, still in force in various countries, and has anybody ever even considered the wellbeing of the believers in the presentation of their ideology?

You may argue that Marxist philosophies serve the happiness of the proletariat, but is it so? The workers and the poor just get into endless anger and victimhood, struggles and dissatisfaction and the decades of the communist block proved that people where still poor workers. The ideology, even as a utopic concept would serve their financial interests, not their happiness or level of satisfaction with life. What about morality laws that lead to a great number of people to be punished, ostracized, facing social disgrace or even tortured and killed? What about the tons of shame and guilt that all religious ideologies hoist upon their believers for failing to conform to ethereal standards of morality?

All spiritual, political, economic, social or other belief systems aspire to a goal; for Christianity the message in general is “love each other, serve each other, share with each other, sacrifice yourself, be humble, observe moral rules”, for the Islam it is more oriented towards the observe moral rules part and for the Asian religions and spiritual practices it is more about eradication of the ego, discipline, duty, humility etc. For left wing or right wing ideologies it is about distribution of wealth, class struggle and domination, for New Age spiritualism it is all of the above but somehow judgmental, paranoid, pretentious and indignant, for Judaism it is tilted towards tradition but also paradoxically inquiry etc. etc.

If the final objective is happiness, then our belief system should be geared towards it, and contrary to universal belief, happiness is a choice. Achievable by the choice to take control of the deciding software. Life itself proves that happiness is a choice because you may see two people in identical circumstances one happy and the other miserable. We even experience ourselves at different times happy in circumstances that at other moments made us feel miserable. Exercising our choice of happiness starts with consciously choosing happiness as our achievable objective, believing that it is feasible and beginning to take steps towards achieving it in an organized fashion.

Although happiness is our goal, CHOICE, our divine gift of choice is the central instruction, the absolute core of a Homo delectus operating system. To achieve happiness, it is imperative to believe that it is achievable and that it requires nothing beyond our control to experience it, that it is our choice whether we deserve it, whether we are entitled to happiness. So, the primary 17 pieces of code, instructions of the main kernel of the operating system of Homo delectus are:

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