Research Team


The research team of Choice OS is not a team comprised of academics with multiple degrees and PhDs. It is comprised of simple humans with varying degrees of education, simple humans with passion and undying intention to explore and discover what they have been told is undiscoverable. But then so were people such as Thomas Edison, arguably the greatest inventor and innovator of humanity, with offerings to humanity such as the light bulb, movies, the phonograph, the electrical distribution grid and more than a thousand other patents that have changed our lives who was mostly home schooled and did not even have a degree. The Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane didn’t even have a high school diploma and two of the greatest innovators of the twentieth century, Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft were both college drop outs.

The research team operates out of Tierramitica (, a Happiness Research Center in a paradise situated in the high jungle of Peru near Tarapoto, San Martin, that started as an Ayahuasca Retreat center. An unlikely and controversial place for serious research into such crucial matters as depression, mental illness and the first ever Open Source Operating System for human beings, Choice OS. However, many famous and celebrated inventors, innovators and scientists have experimented with mind altering substances in an effort to liberate their perceptions, such as Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, who treated himself and patients with cocaine and even wrote a scientific paper about his findings, Steve Jobs or Francis Crick, who got a Nobel Prize as co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, who both experimented with LSD, to name a few. Although Tierramitica started as an Ayahuasca Retreat Center (because a lot of the initial breakthroughs into the clear view of the paradoxes in our belief systems were aided by the usage of Ayahuasca, a powerful psychotropic used for millennia  that has recently gained worldwide notoriety and recognition for its properties to combat depression, various mental disorders and serious addictions and is currently being researched scientifically in many scientific institutions worldwide), the center has phased out the use of the psychotropic, as research has centered into the contradictions in our belief systems as the principle culprit for most or all mental disorders.

Tierramitica used to offer the Mythic Voyage with the use of Ayahuasca, a heavy duty intensive transformational workshop, treating successfully disorders such as chronic depression, bipolarity, addiction, PTSD, lack of motivation, absence or numbness of feelings, suicidal tendencies, self-destructiveness, anger issues and every other kind of mental disorder. However, the Mythic Voyage graduated from principal usage of Ayahuasca to peripheral usage to zero usage with the introduction of Choice OS workshops that transform lives as testified by a multitude of enthusiastic reviews. Since Tierramitica is a totally self-funded research center, the offering of workshops not only ensures its financial survival, but also the availability of research subjects to further the research. Tierramitica phased out the use of Ayahuasca and is now dedicating itself to the Choice OS research, providing workshops that change lives and bring true and permanent happiness, self-love and enthusiasm for life through the discovery and eventual elimination of paradoxes in patients’ belief systems. Tierramitica is also actively supporting Visionary Art and provides cutting edge Art Therapy workshops.


The research team of Tierramitica and Choice OS is comprised of people who benefited from the Mythic Voyage and were blown away enough by the results to decide to dedicate their lives as unpaid volunteers to participate in the research and development of Choice OS and to further awareness into the causes of the greatest contemporary scourge of humanity, depression and associated mental disorders. They come from a wide variety of countries, cultural and social environments, professions and educational levels; some hold University degrees and other qualifications and experience on various fields, and some just come from the University of Life. All are passionate, inspired, open hearted human beings that do not accept that nothing can be done or that there are things that humans are incapable of comprehending. Human beings willing to commit the hubris of wanting to make sense of the world around us and the even greater hubris of being able to fully control who they are and how they feel, think, behave and function.

Mikis Hasson, born in Greece in 1960, is the founder of Tierramitica, the creator and principal guide of the Mythic Voyage and Choice OS, a philosopher and author of the books “A Mythic Voyage”, “Humanity: Genius or Crazy?” and “The Path to Homo Delectus”. After spending a life of trying to gain acceptance through successes in business, creating a family and various other achievements, his cozy life was demolished in 2002 through serious life threatening illness, divorce and financial collapse. After a period of deep, suicidal clinical depression he decided to live and dedicate some time to his growth, disengaged himself from his workaholic business interests and started a sabbatical to explore the world, both inside and outside.

To the surprise of his cynical, analytical mind he suspiciously encountered Shamanism through Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds’ Light Body School, a program of workshops designed to teach and familiarize westerners to the wisdom and practices of indigenous Earth traditions and Shamanism in a palatable and understandable way. His sabbatical extended from one year to practically permanent and after completing the Light Body School started traveling extensively studying humanity, both with indigenous and contemporary shamans, sages and philosophers and through intensive study and experimentation on the human psyche and its influence on the totality of our being. In the process, he not only discovered a path to the most precious gift, happiness, but also valuable discoveries and insights on how humans work. In 2012 he founded Tierramitica as a Retreat Center, a Research Center and an experimental community in order to dedicate his life to his research and the development of tools and practices to help people that conventional and alternative therapies give up on. He is a genuinely, permanently happy man.

Sara Villeneuve, born in France in 1978, is a founding member of the Tierramitica experimental community, an experienced Ayahuasca guide and the most experienced assistant guide of the Mythic Voyage and Choice OS workshops. She has graduate and post graduate degrees in Literature, Performance Arts and Acting and performed for seven years as an actress and singer before she decided to search into herself, feeling that something was wrong inside her, regardless of the circumstances in her life. She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Lies Demets-Hasson, born in Belgium in 1985, is the wife of Mikis Hasson and his personal assistant, among her many roles in the research team and the experimental community of Tierramitica, has a degree in English Literature, has worked in various managerial positions, the creator of the Homo Delectus site and an amazing artist. She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Simon Kingsley, born in the UK in 1982 of British and Sri Lankan parents, holds a degree in Business Management, after a career in Finance and Management Consulting at the Australian branch of Ernst & Young that brought him success without enthusiasm and satisfaction, decided to take a sabbatical to find out why, and if there was more to life than what he was experiencing. In the process he discovered Tierramitica and the Mythic Voyage, as well as zest for life and an extraordinary talent for sculpture. He is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Leanne Pupeza, born in Australia in 1982, following a career in Hospitality and Event Management, was still looking for a purpose in her life and in life in general. Her search brought her to the Mythic Voyage and decided on the spot that this is what she was looking for. She is an accomplished assistant guide to the Mythic Voyage workshops and an integral member of the research team. She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Dorin Pupeza, born in Romania in 1985, had a career in Industrial Mechanics both in Romania and Canada. He took a sabbatical to find himself and a purpose for his life and took a road trip from Canada on his motorcycle through the US, Central America and South America until he reached Tierramitica in Peru. He wanted to try the fabled magical potion of Ayahuasca but he found much more: a life changing experience, a life purpose and his soulmate, Leanne, who he promptly pursued and married. He is now the maintenance manager of the research center and more passionately convinced about his choices than ever before. He is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Metsa Jens O’Thor, born in Sweden in 1975, a professional artist, illustrator and sculptor with an extensive career in Production Management for the film industry. He first had a Mythic Voyage in 2012 and was blown away by the science and philosophy behind it; he returned after a year and took a second one and also volunteered to stay for another 7 months. He then returned to Sweden and resumed his career for a year and a half, but was so inspired that he could not stay away. He came been back and stayed in TierraMitica until December 2019 and lives now again in Sweden, creating inspirational art with his wife. He is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Jaclyn Wilchuck, born in Canada in 1988, studied Integrative Energy Healing and worked in the Service Industry. Art was an intuitive part of her life growing up, then in her 20’s she found herself inspirationless. After 12 years of waitressing and many failed attempts at choosing a career path, she started to search for meaning to her life. This is when she stumbled across Tierra Mitica’s website and inherently knew the Choice OS workshop was what she had been searching for. She has been a dynamic member of the research team since March 2016, and has transformed from a tomboy to a radiant woman! She holds a special place in her heart for the Choice Os workshops, and can almost always be found as a vibrant part of the Hosting team. In her spare time she is busy with her chisels developing her greatest passion as a self taught Wood Carver, and now knows that nothing is out of reach if you have intention! She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Eli Saul, born in Canada in 1988, has a Bachelor in Science in Nursing, before coming for her Mythic Voyage in 2016 she was working as an HIV/AIDS and Addiction outreach nurse in Vancouver, BC. Since then she has completely transformed her life, continuously rising to the challenge, finding hidden talents, deep passion and life purpose in art as an accomplished sculptor and painter, exploring her power through music and performance and is proud to say she is happier and more in love with herself, life and those around her than every before. She is now married to Damien Saul, madly in love since 2017, growing together the most incredibly passionate, inspiring and loving (and happy) relationship made possible by her continued dedication to Choice OS. She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Niloufar Lohrasebi, born in Iran in 1988 but growing up in California since she was 9 years old, is a Dance Instructor and Manager in the Service Industry, participated in a Mythic Voyage in 2015 in order to attempt to solve chronic depression issues, went back to the US and continued her career albeit walking the path to Homo Delectus. Her transformation was such within a year that she decided to attend the historic first ever Mythic Voyage without Ayahuasca in British Columbia, the first clear implementation of Choice OS principles outside the research team and decided that she did not wish to miss the chance to be part of this revolutionary research. She has seen her own sister transform and is now a spectacular song writer and performer as well as an accomplished sculptress. She is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

Adam Lucas Roberson, born in South Carolina in 1982, is a Commercial Fisherman in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and a Master Carpenter and one of the most recent additions to the team. He came to the Mythic Voyage through a friend’s recommendation, battling with depression, multiple addictions and suicidal tendencies and found his boyish smile and a joy for life. He also found a talent for art, sculpting and songwriting. What can we say: with a paradox free operating system falling in love and finding inspiration becomes easy and natural! He is walking the path to Homo Delectus and has been transformed in the process.

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